Spreading the Word About Sderot

The video taken on my camera of the Qassam attack has circulated all over the world the last few days. Numerous people wrote on my facebook wall, "I was just sitting around and then, wow, Benji Davis, you're on CNN". Yah, that was pretty cool.
But in all honesty, it's not important that I was on CNN, as long as my message was clear - there's a big problem in Sderot needing fixing.
The segment of my video of the Qassam attack was headlined on national Israeli news on Channel Two at six, eight and twelve o'clock. Here's the piece.

Also, at 9: 30 of the night of the attack, Channel Two called me and asked to come in for an interview during the 7:00 morning news. So, I didn't sleep that night, and took a 5:30 cab from Jerusalem (where I was at the time) to Herzliyeh (where the studios are). Yes, the interview was all in Hebrew - the billions of dollars

Here's the link of my interview on Channel Two morning news. Click here(My interview starts at 7: 07 you'll figure it out). FYI - apple users might have trouble, good luck.
My video of the Qassam Attack is also featured on the Israel Foreign Ministry web site -
I'm telling you all this to show you the power of one raw video. This one-minute clip exemplifies the terror and trauma suffered by the people of Sderot on a daily basis.
