Land for Peace......Not!

Almost thirty years ago at Camp David, Egyptian Prime Minister Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin established peace between the two nations (supposedly President Jimmy Carter participated in the negotiations without parental supervision). In Israel's first "Land for Peace" initiative, it gave Egypt the Sinai peninsula in return for peace.

So what is Egypt doing with the Sinai Peninsula? Using the land for peace initiatives perhaps? Hahahahahahaaha.

According to this Jpost story, Egyptian policemen assist Palestinian terrorists along the Egypt-Gaza border. Yes, Egyptians help the Palestinian terrorists smuggle weapons into Gaza.

Jpost reported, "Since Hamas's takeover of Gaza in June, the terrorist group has smuggled into Gaza 100 tons of explosives, millions of bullets, hundreds of antitank missiles and even a small number of Katyusha rockets". (picture pre-disengagement- If anyone is interested, I posted instructions on how to build a weapon smuggling tunnel at the end of this entry)

With its passive aggression, Egypt is now joining the likes of Iran and Syria in helping Palestinian terrorists fight against Israel. No - Egypt is not training terrorists to fight against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

But, Egypt recently allowed Palestinians who claimed to be traveling to Mecca for the hajj pilgrimage out of Gaza through the Rafa Crossing. Among the 1,700 pilgrims, a significant number are Palestinian terrorists on their way to Iran and Lebanon for training (Jpost report).

Yes, Egypt's got its own problems to deal with, I.E Hamas's extremist cousins - the Muslim Brotherhood. I get it - President Mubarak would rather not deal with arms smuggling from Sinai because he'd rather let the weapons be fired against Israel than end up in Cairo.

But, I'm pretty sure such thinking goes against the whole "Land for Peace" agreement Sadat and Begin brokered at Camp David while President Jimmy Carter threw peanuts at his babysitter in the other room (Am I mean?). Passively sponsoring terrorism is not nice!

But with everything I've said, I still feel so secure about the future! Annapolis was such a success and negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are progressing so quickly.............................NOT!!!!!

How to Build a Weapon Smuggling Tunnel:

1) Locate a landowner who agrees to provide his house for the exit of a tunnel.

2) Search for a suitable opening for the tunnel on the Egyptian side. The tunnel opening should be located in a house or within private property, to allow the owner of the house to cross from one side to the other; to abide by agreements with Egyptian officials; for economic reasons, and to prevent discovery of the tunnel by Egyptian officials.

3) Choosing an engineer: An engineer specializing in the excavation of tunnels is chosen. The engineer mobilizes and recruits individuals to construct the tunnel, and provides electric and hand-held tools for the job.

4) Duration of the excavation: The duration of the excavation may last anywhere from two weeks to two months based on the following conditions:

• The number of workers digging.
• Excavation equipment.
• Depth and length of the tunnel.
• Width of the tunnel.


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