Hip-Hop Superstar

Today I went to the hip-hop dance class for 10-12 year olds in Sderot. Not only was I the only high school graduate in the class (besides the teacher), I was the only boy.

As many of my good friends at home - including my wonderful 18 year-old sister, Gaby - are hip-hop stars, I was pretty familiar with the dance moves. See below – I’m rocking out (focus on the last 15 seconds, really see the extent of my skills).

The dance studio looks like it could be from L.A. Mirrors, rails on the side of the room (for ballet?), hardwood floors, a sweet stereo – it’s got it all. I could see Britney in the 90’s using this facitily to practice her moves before the Oopps I Did it Again music video.

In the studio, an alarm goes off when “Tzevah Adom” occurs, and the class runs to the shelter near by. That withstanding, dance class seems to be the greatest escape from the constant sound of “Tzevah Adom” and the daily landing of Qassam rockets into the city. You’re completely isolated from the terrifying reality that is daily life in Sderot.

The teacher, Maytal Siani, studies hip-hop in a major studio in Tel Aviv. She, however, lives with her family in Sderot, where she grew up to love dance, and is currently giving back to the current generation of kids growing up who don’t know life without Qassams.

For one hour a day, twice a week, these girls come to learn the basics of hip-hop dance. In Sderot, young girls are learning to dance to the sound of Beyonce, Justin, 50 Cent and all the other greatest musical artists of our time.

I wonder if Hamas permits hip-hop classes to dance to American hip-hop…actually, I don’t think hip-hop’s made it to Gaza yet – now that’s a humanitarian crisis if you ask me. But what do I know? I was just on CNN (laugh with me).


Anonymous said…

I'm diggin the dance instructor...the pink kippah, not so much!

Anonymous said…

The Palastinians are the Kaffirs of the middleeast. Never alow yourself to be dictatid to by a second class citizen or worse a terrorist.
In south africa we gave up for a while only to be overwelmed by the black kaffirs who today commit cultural; genocide against those unable to leave.
The jews of Israel must stand strong and always be united however hard it might be. The moment you show weakness towards the palastinians you will be over run and your nation will be destroyed. We pray for your victories over evil and terror. You have many many friends and supporters in the world. Remembewr the media is controlled by a liberal cabal that is anti semetic and anti white. We were portrayed EXACTLY the same way as yourselves in the world media. Baby killers etc ... Yet white south africans have done more 100 times over to uplift the lazy black natives the liberal world loves so much.

We are thinking of you in your hour of need. Fight you war and be Victorius my dear friends in israel.

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